Dental office Lafayette

What’s The Difference Between General & Cosmetic Dentists?

Highland Creek Family DentalDental office, Dental Treatment

Are you looking for the perfect smile but unsure which type of dentist is right for your needs? Trying to decide between a general dentist and a cosmetic dentist can be confusing.

In this blog post, we’ll cover the differences between these two dental professionals so that you can make an informed decision about who will best meet your oral health needs. We’ll explain what both dentists offer and how each contributes to help achieve optimal results for improved oral health. 

Cosmetic Dentist Vs. General Dentist: What’s The Difference?

A General Dentist specializes in the Diagnosis, Treatment, And Prevention of Diseases And Disorders Of Teeth, Gums, And Jaws

A general Dentist in Lafayette is a highly-skilled, qualified practitioner focused on maintaining good oral health. They specialize in detecting, treating, and preventing diseases and disorders of teeth, gums, and jaws. With considerable expertise in providing preventive and restorative dental care, these dentists can develop comprehensive treatment plans for their patients and diagnose any oral diseases before they become serious. 

On top of this, they also advise their patients on topics such as proper home care and lifestyle choices that can promote good oral health. As trustful healthcare providers who strive to deliver outstanding care, general dentists are the go-to resource for all your dental needs.

A Cosmetic Dentist Is A Dentist Who Focuses On Improving The Appearance Of Your Smile

A cosmetic dentist is focused on helping you to achieve your perfect smile. They use advanced tools, treatments, and techniques to whiten, straighten and reshape teeth and repair chips, cracks, and gaps. Cosmetic dentists are also highly trained in handling dental restorations such as veneers and crowns that can give you an even more attractive smile. 

With the help of a cosmetic dentist, it is possible to turn your ideal idea of pearly white teeth into a reality. Furthermore, if you have any underlying issues such as gum disease or tooth decay, a cosmetic dentist can address these before starting work on your smile enhancement.

General Dentists Can Do Cosmetic Dental Procedures, But Cosmetic Dentists Have Additional Training In Aesthetic Dentistry

Going to a general dentist is an important step toward keeping your teeth healthy, and they can provide a wide range of services, including basic cosmetic dentistry. However, if you’re looking for high-end care or complex procedures such as dental veneers or full mouth restoration, seeing a cosmetic dentist who has undergone additional training in aesthetic dentistry is the best option. Cosmetic dentists are highly specialized dental professionals with the experience and qualifications to understand the art of restoring smiles, offering patients natural-looking dental treatments that improve their overall appearance. 

They consider the health and aesthetics of your smile when performing treatments, balancing visual appeal with functionality. Whether looking to restore or enhance your smile, seeing a cosmetic dentist with expertise in aesthetic dentistry can make all the difference in achieving beautiful results.

Some Common Procedures Performed By Cosmetic Dentists Include Teeth Whitening, Porcelain Veneers, Bonding, And Tooth Contouring

Cosmetic dentists offer many procedures to perfect a smile. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular treatments, as it can quickly brighten teeth stained by coffee, tea, or nicotine. Porcelain veneers provide a more dramatic transformation and require filing down parts of the tooth enamel to make room for a thin layer of porcelain that is shaped and shaded to match surrounding teeth. 

Tooth contouring reshapes teeth from uneven surfaces to smooth ones without using any materials, making it the most conservative approach to aesthetically pleasing teeth. Bonding is another procedure implemented if cavities or chips are in the teeth, where resin is molded onto the damaged area and hardened with ultraviolet light. Cosmetic dentists have the skill and knowledge to give patients their desired results using these various techniques.

Consult With A Qualified Cosmetic Dentist To Get The Best Results

Understanding the difference between a general dentist and a cosmetic dentist can help you know what to expect from your dental visits and how to best care for your teeth. If you have questions about which type of dentist is right for you, discuss it with your primary care dentist at your nearest Dental office in Lafayette. They can provide information and guidance on finding the level of dental care that’s best for you.